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随着工业化、城市化进程加快和经济高速发展,济宁市耕地面积逐年减少、城区用地结构不合理,整体容积率较低,村庄建设用地量大,采煤区塌陷所引发的人地矛盾,后备资源日益匮乏等土地利用问题凸显。该文通过对各类建设用地节约集约利用评价,提出了统筹城乡用地结构,严控建设用地规模,盘活存量用地,发展区域产业,优化利用土地资源等土地集约节约利用新途径。  相似文献   
秦华中 《山东地质》2011,(10):35-38,42
为减少公路工程建设项目和地质灾害之间的相互影响,工程建设之前必须对工程建设用地存在的地质灾害进行评估。结合国道317线汶川至马尔康段公路改建工程的特点,对工程遭受或工程建设可能诱发加剧的滑坡和崩塌灾害发生的可能性作了分析,并提出相应的防治对策,为拟改建的公路建设提供指导性建议。  相似文献   
While there is considerable international research focused on the conservation outcomes of marine protected areas (MPAs) and marine reserves (MRs) there is little information on the economic cost to establish and manage these protected areas. This study estimated the MR pre-establishment and establishment costs for the Taputeranga Marine Reserve (TMR) in New Zealand (NZ) and determined the annual management costs for this reserve and four further NZ MRs. Finally, the cost to local rock lobster fishers resulting from the displaced fishing effort once the TMR had been established was estimated. This research found that the TMR pre-establishment cost was approximately NZ$508,000, and the establishment process cost was approximately NZ$353,000. The annual management costs across the five reserves ranged between NZ$43,200 and NZ$112,500 between 2008/09 and 2010/11. The annual fishers displacement cost at TMR was approximately NZ$22,000 per annum. This research showed that on a unit area basis, small MRs in NZ are just as expensive to maintain as large MRs. This study also highlighted how volunteer effort helped to considerably reduce the monetary cost of the MR pre-establishment process. This research increases our understanding of establishment and management costs, and supports future planning of MRs both within NZ and internationally.  相似文献   
张玲 《北京测绘》2011,(4):77-78
从"一张图"建设的背景出发,提出市级国土资源"一张图"工程建设的预期目标,阐明工程建设总体思路.在此基础上,详细阐述"一张图"的建设内容以及系统建设中应注意的问题.  相似文献   
传统的优化器缺乏空间数据分布统计信息和空间算子的支持,不能评估和生成有效的查询执行计划。对此,提出了包含空间执行算子的一体化评估框架,根据重要属性及元组流属性实现了执行计划自底向上的代价推演计算。通过服务器端编程实现了利用概率累计扩展空间直方图模型描述空间数据的统计信息,并通过优化器接口计算空间谓词选择率,为优化器提供更为准确的代价参数,改进了评估的准确度。实验结果表明,采用此方法进行涉及空间查询的计算,理论代价估计与实际执行代价具有相对一致性,在统计值完整的情况下能够准确地估算实际较优的执行计划。  相似文献   
房地产计税价格批量评估实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
结合批量评估的技术思路,以深圳市二手住宅计税价格批量评估为例,构建了以长期趋势法,成本法为基本原理,结合地理信息技术(GIS)的批量评估模型,并提出研究结论与未来发展设想.  相似文献   
城市高架桥合理抗震体系选择与经济性对比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨了基于两水准设防的城市高架桥的合理抗震设防标准与相应的结构性能目标.选取两座典型的城市高架桥结构,包括一座正线桥和一座匝道桥,分别采用延性抗震体系和减、隔震体系进行结构抗震设计.对比了不同结构抗震体系所对应的结构在各水准地震作用下具体抗震性能表现,结果表明减、隔震体系具有更优的抗震性能.在此基础上,进一步从经济性的...  相似文献   
对当前正在实施的城乡建设用地增减挂钩政策进行了初步分析,认为当前大多数地方开展增减挂钩工作立足点存在偏差,导致工作方式的切入点出现偏向。文章对增减挂钩的深刻内涵进行了剖析,并提出了工作实践中应注意的问题。  相似文献   
Social capital has played an increasingly important role in regional development. China is a country with high stocks of social capital. Using several different indicators of social capital, this study tries to research the regional disparities in social capital and the influence of social capital on economic growth of China in 1978–2004. Measuring social capital with indicators of associations, charities and blood donation rates, this study finds significant regional disparities in social capital at provincial level in China. Those indicators for social capital are highly correlated with regional economic performance. Statistical analysis shows that social capital has a significant and positive effect on a long-term provincial economic growth. This relationship exists after controlling policy, macro location factors, and per capita GDP in the initial year. The empirical findings indicate that institutions, culture and social relations are critical for regional development in China. Therefore, the creation and support of social capital should be paid more attention to when making regional policy.  相似文献   
次区域合作诞生于20世纪80年代末、90年代初,但从一开始起对"次区域"及"次区域合作"的理解就存在许多不同的见解。同时由于次区域合作涉及边境地区,合作的领域又极其广泛,对次区域合作产生的成因没有定论。本文对"次区域"及"次区域合作"的定义重新做了界定,对次区域合作的分类及其相互影响、特征等作了阐述,并且从经济学、国际关系学、国际贸易学和地缘政治学等不同学科角度对次区域合作发展的成因进行了理论解释,以期促使我国更好的参与周边次区域合作。  相似文献   
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